domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Advertising cigarettes

1. How does avertising help tobacco to defend their vested interests?
2. Cigarette advertising distorts the truth. Briefly comment on this view.

1. Propaganda and advertising helps tobacco companies and business to defend their product. People is convinced by propaganda as it encourages and promises happiness, joy and guarantees a “better life”. The addiction and dependence, the terrible effects in health and self appearance are not mentioned and do not even appeared on the advertisements. Therefore, the vested interests of the companies, in this case, tobacco ones hide the negative aspects of their product with attractive and eye catching propaganda.

2. Cigarette advertising, as well as other products propaganda, make people believe that by buying the product which is offered, they can achieve happiness and a more amused life. They are convinced by the advertisements that cigarettes make everything better and benefit oneself. 
For example, the first image shows how an advertisement portrays a man luring with a woman and the key of the effective seduction are the cigarettes. The male chauvinist on the image is supported by the product. 

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