domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

Arte 2015

A continuación dejo el link de una presentación sobre mi trabajo de todo el año en la materia Arte

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Advertising cigarettes

1. How does avertising help tobacco to defend their vested interests?
2. Cigarette advertising distorts the truth. Briefly comment on this view.

1. Propaganda and advertising helps tobacco companies and business to defend their product. People is convinced by propaganda as it encourages and promises happiness, joy and guarantees a “better life”. The addiction and dependence, the terrible effects in health and self appearance are not mentioned and do not even appeared on the advertisements. Therefore, the vested interests of the companies, in this case, tobacco ones hide the negative aspects of their product with attractive and eye catching propaganda.

2. Cigarette advertising, as well as other products propaganda, make people believe that by buying the product which is offered, they can achieve happiness and a more amused life. They are convinced by the advertisements that cigarettes make everything better and benefit oneself. 
For example, the first image shows how an advertisement portrays a man luring with a woman and the key of the effective seduction are the cigarettes. The male chauvinist on the image is supported by the product. 

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

"Mad men"

In thinking skills class, we saw an extract of one episode of "Mad Men" , an American period drama television series. Afrter it, we had to answer to questions:

1.Identify some of the vested interests in this scene. How do these work?
2. Why is Peter's idea rejected, and why is Don's idea accepted?

1. One of the first vested interests that appeared on the video is when Don explains his idea. According to it, tobacco is seen as an element that gives a person happiness (though in fact, it gives dependence), the way Don explains his thought, makes him avoid mentioning part of the real information which are the terrible effects smoking produces.
Other vested interest we could identify was when the men rejected Peter's idea. These men ignore that opinion because it was not convenient for their business

2. Peter’s idea is rejected because he made reference of the great damage tobacco creates in people's life, mentioning it's a life danger and it was obviously, not beneficial for the company. On the other hand, Don’s idea was quickly accepted because it did not mentioned every risks tobacco caused. In addition, Don portrayed tobacco as something people need to be happy making propaganda still look attractive

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Crêpes recette

Dans la classe de français, avec notre professeur: Marcela Farina, nous cuisinons  un plat typique et caractéristique de France, des crepes. Nous avons amuser et apprendre!


  1. Mettez dans un bocal tous les ingredients
  2. Battre tout avec un batteur electrique
  3. Grasser une poele avec l'huile d' olive
  4. Quand le poele est bien chaud, ajouter la pate et deplacer la poele pour obtenir la forme ronde 
  5. Une fois cuit la pate, remplir

  • 2 oeufs
  • 150g de farine
  • 250 ml de lait
  • 1 cuillere a soupe de sucre
  • 1 cuillere a soupe d' huile de olive
  • 1 pincée de sel
  • Ne mettez pas le pate dans le réfrigérateur parce qu'ills sechent 

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Death penalty

Death penalty

Death penalty is the punishment by death for a crime. Nowadays, this affair is quite controversial and has arised discussion in almost each nation and society. Countries such as Afghanistan, United States,Japan,Indonesia, among others, exert the death penalty as one of the main punishments. Nevertheless, I think this type of sanction is not the proper way to achieve solutions.
To begin with, I reject the ideas of the retributive and utilitarian theories. The retributive theory considers that punishment is intended to make the criminal "pay" for his crime. I'm this case, punishment is justified because it is what the criminal deserves (An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth). The utilitarian theory instead, states that the rationale of punishment is entirely to prevent further crimes: the infliction of pain on criminals provides them with a motive not to repeat their offence. Therefore, punishment is an instrumental good as society's general security and happiness is assumed to be assured.
From my point of view, neither of these theories is a fair way to judge someone who made a mistake. That's why, in my opinion the theory of rehabilitation, which argues that people should be less concerned in punishing criminals and more concerned with reforming the, portrays a more reasonable and equitable terms. I agree with the fact that controlling or suppressing the offender's criminal tendencies by a process of re-education and physiological treatment while in custody is a better and a more decent method. I think that there is an assumption to stand up which is that the criminal is sick rather than wicked, and therefore needs help rather than punishment though spending the rest of their lives in prison according the crimes made in each case.
In conclusion, though death penalty can look like quick and efficient but I strongly believe that rehabilitation and the process of reforming criminals until they are cured is the best option.

Noreste Argentino

A continuación dejo el link de la presentación sobre el Noreste Argentino: Link

lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

My essay: To what extent have Muslim men taken advantage of religion to abuse women?

To what extent have Muslim men taken advantage of religion to abuse women?

Islam is a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an. This one claims to be the only true religion. Muslims base their lives on the Five Pillars and these five principles, which are the framework of obedience for Muslims, are taken seriously and literally. Nowadays, the Muslim harsh limitations and controlled lives restrict women to such a turning point in which it started to create certain controversies as regards to what extent the manipulation of men towards women will last. Prohibitions and tremendous punishments are constantly applied to women who do not obey  such terrible and unreasonable rules around the Muslim countries, and as a result the interpretation of these religious imperatives and whether they are fair or not, began to develop.

To begin with, women must follow and make sure they accomplish each rule. If they do not do what they are told and ignore the mandates enforced not just by the Qur'an but by the Muslim society, a series of penalties and tortures are implemented without hesitations and without the slightest drop of pity. Some prohibitions call the attention of most of the people who do not take part in the Muslim community, they realise the magnitude of the restrictions women got when compared  with their own style of lives, the way of living totally differs from each other. Some constraints cause great impact in people’s minds as it makes them become aware of the hard lives some women in Muslim nations have. There are many bewildering requirements, for example, women must wear a long veil (Burqa), which covers them from head to toe, if they show or “exhibit” their skin it is thought to be a way to seduce other men which is completely seen as an immorality and an offense towards husband's pride and reputation. Their burqas cannot display "sexually attracting colors" at all.
In addition, other insane rule that seems fully awkward is the one that forbids women to drive cars, motorcycles etc.: they must be accompanied by a masculine relative (mahram). Moreover, there are bans on women working outside their homes, and as a consequence, this command leads to the lack of professional and experienced women. To a certain point, men take advantage of the handicaps and the absence of liberty women got, all these hindrances which are adjusted to women’s routines are justified by religious aspects though in fact it's a clear method of control and repression.

What’s more, the most shocking and unbearable reactions appear when the prejudice and the inferiority of women are portrayed as punishments arise. Severe penalties, which involve public humiliation, physical abuse and bad treatment clarifies the vulnerability of Muslim women. This is perfectly known as a fact that occurs regularly and without any kind of impediment as it is considered a deserved, religious and  accurate retribution. It is often seen how Muslim men prepare each step that leads to the most dismal and miserable disciplinary action towards females. Muslim men show their dignity and a kind of satisfaction as they embarrass and hit  their wives widely, or pay their debts by bestowing their daughters to rough predators’ hands. Furthermore, and what it is a completely mad thing to do is killing the victim of a violation as it is a stain on the family honor that can only be cleaned with the murder of this one. The 75% of women in prison in Pakistan are behind bars for the “crime” of being raped. Men just point with their accusable fingers to women, and assure the “sins” they produce are absolutely punishable and merit the worst trials.
As regards the religious facet, Aisha, the most beloved of the many wives of the Prophet Muhammad,  led women to plunge into uncertain terms behind men. She said, "If you knew all the rights your husband got over you, each of you would clean the dust from the feet of your husbands with your own faces." Women are submitted to men’s strength and superiority, and this is advocated by the devotional and clerical feature. Public stoning, decapitations, hammerings and murders are some of the approved attempts towards women, men explain their actions as it is affirmed explicitly in the Quran: “And as for those women whose ill-will you have reason to fear, admonish them [first]; then leave them alone in bed; then beat them” (Qur'an Surah 4:34)

However, it is a difficult challenge to put ourselves in the shoes of a Muslim woman. Some might think what men do so determinedly and firmly is just proper because religion makes reference to it, because culture must remain as it is. Muslim women got different points of view about their same reality, some might wonder why other people believe what men generate with great confidence is wrong, (associated to what doctrines indicate) while others wish to escape from their frequent nightmares. In countries such as Afghanistan, Tunisia and Malaysia, women really believe and agree that each of them is men’s property. However, the stunning stories of Muslim women like Sair Liaquat, Khalil Atiyu, Sabir Sultan, among others are symbols of braveness and courage which stand in the middle of the fear and oppression other women feel.
From my point of view, no woman in the world, regardless their religion, nationality or culture, must be treated that way which is abominable and just extreme; men put divine arguments to support their actions but that is not enough and anything will be able to back men’s dishearten ways of “justice” against women's sins.

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

La Cuenca del Matanza-Riachuelo

El río Matanza-Riachuelo, llamado Riachuelo en su desembocadura y río Matanza en la mayor parte de su desarrollo, es un curso de agua de 64 km al Este de Argentina, que nace en la provincia de Buenos Aires, constituye el límite Sur de la ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires y desemboca en el Río de la Plata.
Su curso recibe numerosos desechos industriales, especialmente de las curtiembres, que lo posicionan como el tercer río más contaminado del mundo. Recientemente, varios estudios alertaron sobre las terribles consecuencias de la contaminación en la población, especialmente la infantil.Entre los principales contaminantes se encuentran metales pesados y aguas servidas, provenientes de las napas saturadas de toda la cuenca.


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