lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Integradora de Trabajo y Ciudadanía

Miércoles Negro  
El paro nacional en contra de la violencia de género que movilizó a toda la Argentina

El objetivo de este texto es poder relacionar algunos conceptos del marco legal del trabajo en la Argentina y los derechos individuales de trabajo con ciertas problemáticas denunciadas en el evento llevado a cabo el día 19 de Octubre de este año: la protesta nacional que lucha contra la violencia y discriminación hacia la mujer denominada miércoles negro, plasmada en un paro nacional femenino.

Me parece algo fundamental dar mi opinión en este trabajo, argumentando mis ideas y pensamientos a partir de información y estadísticas, en virtud del sinfín de controversias que esta situación genera, alterando los órdenes y sistemas establecidos en la comunidad Argentina. Asimismo, sostengo que en tanto sociedad, debemos comprometernos a luchar contra este (y todo) tipo de desigualdad discutiendo, debatiendo e informándonos todo lo que podamos.

Para empezar el miércoles negro fue una medida que buscó ser “el grito de las que no tienen voz”. Con el apoyo de numerosas organizaciones, sindicatos y agrupaciones, miles de personas marcharon para manifestar el repudio hacia la violencia de género y la discriminación que esta implica.
La marcha fue llevada a cabo no sólo en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires sino en los alrededores de América Latina, como en Uruguay, Guatemala, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay y hasta en naciones europeas como Francia y España.
El reclamo se centró en visualizar la magnitud de los crímenes y delitos hacia las mujeres.

Pero, no solo es violencia física por lo que las mujeres luchan. El enfrentarse a un sistema laboral que no pareciera querer cambiar la perspectiva u orden basado en la masculinidad es un obstáculo nada menor.

Según la Ley 26485 de Protección Integral a las Mujeres, el acoso sexual es definido como “toda conducta, acción u omisión, que de manera directa o indirecta, tanto en el ámbito público como en el privado,  basada en una relación desigual de poder, afecte su vida, libertad, dignidad, integridad física, psicológica, sexual, económica o patrimonial, como así también su seguridad personal”.

Lo que esta Ley plantea no solo cobra vida y refleja la realidad que vivimos en la calle o en ámbitos abiertos y claramente riesgosos. El lugar de trabajo, un ámbito solidificado en las relaciones entre jefes y empleados, en exigencia y comunicación, también es un espacio donde el acoso sexual está presente.

Los repetidos comportamientos abusivos y técnicas de desestabilización ejercidos  por las autoridades o mismos compañeros de trabajo a la medida de que obstruyan, menosprecien y/o restrinjan las bases igualitarias de los derechos reconocidos en la Constitución, reflejan el acoso y la represión hacia la persona.

Además de esto, una de las injusticias por las cuales la mujer se ve plenamente afectada y marginada de manera irracional, hace referencia a lo salarial. A pesar de que hoy en día la brecha que marca el desequilibrio en las remuneraciones entre hombres y mujeres está siendo reducida, lamentablemente sigue teniendo constancia.

En la primera década del siglo XXI se detectó una fuerte desigualdad de género. El ingreso de las mujeres es significativamente menor que el de los varones. La brecha salarial es alrededor del 27%  (Ver “Ciudadanía y Trabajo”). ¿Por que la mujer debe cobrar menos por hacer el mismo trabajo u ocupar el mismo cargo que el hombre?

Definitivamente, este paro pone de manifiesto problemáticas de género que no son nuevas ni emergieron hace poco tiempo. No obstante estos conflictos se incrementan cada vez más y adquieren mayor fortaleza en los sistemas y órdenes nacionales y mundiales.
En mi opinión, la base de la violencia que el miércoles negro vino a denunciar es la injusta segregación o discriminación. Si los cimientos de una comunidad son la desvalorización y el ilógico sometimiento y represión de un género al otro, lo que se edifique por encima será el reflejo de los valores principales y dará por tierra con la violencia y crueldad, la que hoy en día es común y natural.
La lucha no debe objetivizar los logros de un sólo género sino buscar igualdad entre ambos. Ni feminismo ni machismo sino plena equidad.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

La realidad del Riachuelo

El riachuelo mata en silencio
El río Matanza-Riachuelo, llamado Riachuelo en su desembocadura y río Matanza en la mayor parte de su desarrollo, es un curso de agua que ocupa una superficie total de 2.200 km2. Tiene rumbo SO-NE con una longitud aproximada de 60 Km y un ancho medio de 35 Km y comprende a la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y 14 municipios de la provincia. El 23% de la población del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires y el 9,16 % de los argentinos viven en esta pequeña y compleja porción del país que ocupa tan sólo un 0,6 % del territorio nacional.
A lo largo de estos años la Cuenca del Río Matanza-Riachuelo se ha caracterizado por los altos niveles de contaminación. Alrededor de 3.500.000 personas viven en la zona y sufren de las consecuencias medioambientales y todos los problemas que acarrea esta misma situación.
El Riachuelo, conocido como uno de las 10 fuentes de agua más contaminadas del mundo, se divide en tres sectores.
  • La cuenca baja: Altamente urbanizada, desemboca en el Río de la Plata. En este sector el río recibe la contaminación de industrias especialmente de tipo frigoríficas, alimenticias y curtiembres sumándose los vertidos domiciliarios. Los sedimentos del río se encuentran contaminados y contienen un elevado nivel de metales pesados como mercurio, plomo, cobre, cobalto y zinc, y compuestos orgánicos tóxicos.
  • La cuenca media: Abarca zonas urbanas y periurbanas, tiene un nivel de contaminación menor que la cuenca baja. Se registran altos niveles de contaminación en los sedimentos y en las aguas de los ríos y arroyos como consecuencia de los vertidos de efluentes. Además la presencia de gran cantidad de basurales a cielo abierto en otro factor contaminante; por todo ello es posible observar en la superficie del río y afluentes material flotante de residuos sólidos, aceites y grasas, como así también la presencia de fósforo, nitrógeno y metales pesados.
  • La cuenca alta: A pesar de ser considerada el sector menos contaminado al abarcar zonas menos urbanizadas, os ríos en este sector reciben descargas orgánicas, plaguicidas, fungicidas, herbicidas y sedimentos.
Es necesario informar la verdad sobre el caso; el hecho de que la población aumente año tras año no es un punto favorable al tener en cuenta el entorno donde vivirían. No solo afecta a la salud esta semejante contaminación sino que tiene consecuencias sociales como la carencia y el deterioro de servicios y sistemas. El transporte, las viviendas, las cloacas y los desagües pluviales son considerados nulos en zonas donde abunda la pobreza. Las zonas marginadas a lo largo y a lo ancho de la Cuenca se ven profundamente afectadas por el resultado de la huella del hombre.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

Thinking skills: James Bulger case

By analyzing the whole case of James Bulger's murder, our reasoned judgement is as follows:
Corroborative and conflicting evidence:
- One of the boy's stepfather owned a collection of violent videos.
- The boys would watch violent videos as they skipped school.
- The stepfather of one of the boys had rented "Child's Play 3", a violent film, one week before the incident.
- There were significant similarities between scenes in the film and the killing of Hames Bulger.
- One of the children had parental issues: a drunken mother and suicide tendencies. The other one had behavior issues. Both children lived in poverty and had divorced parents.
Balance of evidence:
The press campaign suggests that the boys' actions may have been influenced by video nastiest. This is also supports this point of view. On the other hand, the police states that  statistics fail to prove a reliable measure of crime; there's no way to really prove te children have watched the nasties.
While it is true that video nasties can affect children's attitudes towards the actions they take, we believe that the biggest cause of their behavior is due to the family background they grew up in

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Clonación terapeutica con celulas madre

La paraclonación
La clonación a la que haré referencia en este texto es a la del tipo terapéutica, aquella que tiene como objetivo tratar enfermedades sin toparse con riesgos inmunológicos.  La paraclonación es un método por medio del cual se le extrae el núcleo a la célula de un ser vivo adulto. El mismo es implantado en un óvulo carente de su propio  núcleo.  El embrión producido como resultado se desarrolla en un laboratorio hasta alcanzar el estado blastocisto, es decir, cuando se compone de más de un centenar de células. A partir de ellos, es colocado en el útero elegido para tal fin.  
Entonces, la clonación terapéutica se reduce a la etapa celular del embrión, y el objetivo primordial es la elaboración de células madre. Éstas son capaces de reproducirse ilimitadamente y son empleadas para tratar gran cantidad enfermedades. A partir de ellas se tratan condiciones como problemas hematológicos y del sistema inmune y para trasplantes de células de médula ósea. Se transfieren células progenitoras hematopoyéticas mediante trasplantes de células madre sanguíneas.  Además, enfermedades malignas como leucemias o tumores y no malignas como diabetes o anemias tambien son tratables. Por lo tanto,  las terapias con células madre son para reemplazar y restaurar células dañadas de pacientes.
La paraclonación es un uso médico controversial, algunos sostienen que estos métodos no son éticos y por lo tanto no deben ser llevados a la práctica. Yo creo que, mientras la clonación no sea reproductiva, es aceptable porque objetiviza un bien común. Muchas vidas pueden ser salvadas y las condiciones de vida y de salud en los pacientes puede ser altamente restaurada y mejorada en cuanto a calidad.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

Mash up de actividades: Reflexión sobre la huella ecológica del hombre

Luego de que uno ve el video llamado “Queridas futuras generaciones: Perdón”  genera sus propias conclusiones e inquietudes con respecto al tema que está siendo tratado. En pocas palabras el video narra el impacto de la huella ecológica del hombre. El poder económico y el dominio están por encima de todo en este mundo en el que hoy habitamos, todo está ligado a la competencia y a innovadores métodos o formas que objetivizan la ganancia sin importar los efectos adversos que pueden generar en el medio ambiente.
Lo que el “rap” del video expresa es la cruda realidad, las riquezas más preciadas no son las que antes se encontraban y cuidaban en la naturaleza, hoy para conseguirlas se destruyen ecosistemas para fabricar papeles, simples papeles impresos considerados por el humano, totalmente valorables. Lamentablemente, el afán del hombre por llenarse los bolsillos supera toda escala, y los más débiles, los indefensos son los que salen perdiendo. Miles de especies desaparecen y otros centenares se suman a la lista negra de seres vivos en riesgo de extinción.
Cuando uno termina de ver el video, interpreta el profundo mensaje y el nivel caótico de la situación mundial y evidentemente piensa que es irreversible,  que no vale la pena obrar para bien si es que ya está todo arruinado. Sin embargo, es acá donde el individualismo debería surgir como última alternativa de lucha. Yo creo que a pesar de que son, obviamente, extremas las circunstancias en las que dejamos al planeta, la predisposición se encuentra en cada uno para comenzar a revertir el proceso de “automutilación” que hemos permitido por años en este mundo. Y digo automutilación porque, aunque no muchos se den cuenta o lo ignoren, el hecho de dañar de tal forma al medio ambiente, termina por dañarnos a nosotros mismos y a nuestros futuros descendientes.Resultado de imagen para huella ecologica

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

Peligro de extinción

R i e s g o    d e    e x t i n c i ó n

Una especie se considera en peligro de extinción, sea vegetal o animal, cuando todos los miembros vivos de dicha especie están en peligro de desaparecer. Pero,  ¿qué causas son las que llevan a una especie a encontrarse en semejante riesgo?
Aunque existen causas naturales y fenómenos climáticos que alteran el orden y perjudican a un ecosistema, la mano del hombre es el eje del conflicto. A pesar de que ninguna de las acciones del ser humano que terminan impactando negativamente en el ambiente involucrando a especies inocentes se justifica, la más  debatida e intolerable por gran parte de la población mundial es la caza indiscriminada.
La caza es uno de los más antiguos factores que afectan a las especies alrededor del mundo y tiene diversos fines como por ejemplo:
  • Deporte
  • Fines comerciales (pieles - estuillas de marfil...)
  • Eliminación de grandes depredadores que afectan el ganado
  • Disturbio y persecución: incluyen la erradicación y destrucción de especies silvestres consideradas plaga.

Caso Yaguareté:
Este animal tuvo una amplia dispersión en Argentina la cual sostuvo bien entrado el siglo 20 y hasta la década de 1960 aún se seguía considerando a este especie como una “dañina” en las provincias de Catamarca y Salta. Hoy los yaguaretés son una rareza, extinguidos en casi todas las provincias y sólo protegidos en algunos parques nacionales.

Otra de las causas que conllevan a una especie al borde de la desaparición total es la destrucción de hábitats. La expansión de actividades humanas como la agricultura, la ganadería, construcción de ciudades y rutas entre otros factores, se basan en la alteración de un ecosistema,  interrumpen el medio ambiente de los seres vivos provocando el desplazamiento y la muerte de los mismos. La deforestación con palas mecánicas es muy rápida y significó la drástica eliminación de fauna silvestre en  el oeste de Santiago del Estero, noroeste de Tucumán y el este salteño.
Caso Misiones:
Lo que principalmente era una selva de alrededor 2.600.000 hectáreas, como consecuencia de la deforestación, sufrió una disminución radical.  La espesura desapareció en más de la mitad del suelo provincial, en los últimos 100 años Misiones perdió 1.500.000 hectáreas.

La última de las causas más controversiales y severas en la gran lista de factores que tienen consecuencias en las vidas de seres animales y vegetales es la introducción de nuevas especies a un hábitat determinado. El término “introducción” hace referencia a la depredación o a la competencia de especies exóticas que fueron introducidos en un ecosistema.  Pero ¿Por qué se lleva a cabo este cambio?. Algunas de las razones pueden ser estéticas, económicas y mismo para que estas compitan contra especies nativas.

Dato: En la Pcia. de Buenos Aires el 30% de las especies vegetales son exóticas.

viernes, 1 de julio de 2016


¿Que es la “meiosis”?
  • Es el proceso de división celular, propio de las células reproductoras, en el que se reduce a la mitad el número de cromosomas.

¿En que se relacionan la meiosis con las mutaciones cromosómicas?
Las mutaciones cromosómicas o cromosomopatías son alteraciones en el número de genes o en el orden de estos dentro de los cromosomas y se deben a errores durante la gametogénesis (formación de los gametos por meiosis) o de las primeras divisiones del cigoto.

Las aberraciones numéricas o anomalías de los cromosomas producen cerca del 6% de las malformaciones que se observan en infantes nacidos vivos. Las anomalías cromosómicas sexuales implican la pérdida o la ganancia de un cromosoma sexual generando individuos aneuploides.

Dentro de las aneuploidías sexuales podemos distinguir  a las siguientes:
  1. Trisomías sexuales
Las trisomías son aquellas donde se evidencia un cromosoma sexual extra
  • Síndrome de Klinefelter, XXY
  • Síndrome del triple X, XXX (Llamado síndrome del super hembra)
  • Síndrome del doble Y, XYY (Llamado síndrome del superhombre)

2. Monosomías sexuales: Las células que han perdido un cromosoma sexual
  • Síndrome de Turner, XO
3.   Polisomías sexuales:
  • XXXY
  • XXXX

domingo, 26 de junio de 2016

The Wall

The Wall: Activities
Julieta Veo

1: 1. The boy sees masks on the faces of the people in the train. Later he sees similar masks on the faces of the children in his fantasy. What is the meaning of that?
The scene where the people in the train got masks on their faces is linked with a historical event, when the Jews were taken to concentration camps during Hitler’s dictatorship. Afterwards, the boy sees masks on the faces of the children in his fantasy who are dragged towards a painful end which represents the lack of personal thoughts due to the possessive educational system. In both cases, the masks represents the repression of individuality. The faceless persons portray a dramatic scene, they don’t look human and this is caused due to the systems and its laws. The lack of expression and to be negatively equal to the rest are also some features that masks symbolise.

2: The riot scene ends and the camera returns to the boy in the classroom as the children recite the lesson. Think of a possible explanation for this.
I think the riot scene was a deep wish the boy got, and so it was his imagination the one that created the chaos portrayed after he was hitted unfairly by his professor. The educational system was harsh and wrongful, but though children wanted to shout and deny it, literally causing disturbs and a total liberation of manipulation, it was almost impossible to express yourself, and that’s why on the final scene the boy is still on the classroom unable to do something about injustice.

3: What kind of education does the movie portray? Use the song “The happiest days of our lives” to help you.
Linked to my answer in point 2, the education the movie portrays is terribly strict and cruel. Teachers shaped the minds of the kids in order to think in one way, the way society wants. It was a “lesson” the repetition of a concept, totally cold and intolerable towards variations. Being able to express your opinions or thoughts was unacceptable, we can see this situation when the derisive teacher humiliates his student who wrote a poem, whatsmore the mocking teacher “corrects” the student mistaken action by hitting him with a stick. Shamefully, this was the educational system which repressed students ability to “think out of the box”.

4:  Education is only one of the various social institutions the movie deals with. What others did you notice and how are they portrayed?
The other “social institution” I can remember that had appeared in the movie is a political rally.

5: We, in Argentina, often rely on education to solve most of our social problems. We blame education, or the lack of it, for many of them. Consider the huge success (described in the text below) of the song “Another brick in the wall” which claims “we don’t need no education” and compare it to what you think about education.
The song “Another brick in the wall” claims children don’t need education and challenges the authorities rejecting their control over them. What I think is that  the youth need to be educated with values and on a creative way. I agree on the fact we have to reject the educational system that aims to overshadow kids minds. While it is true that nowadays with the amount of information we can access and the fact that education is firstly developed in our homes, it is not that we are able to “self-teach” us completely. We need the mentoring of experts in order to increase our knowledge. In addition, nowadays and in most parts of the world, education is also a way to shape our personality and our thoughts, we are able to express freely our points of view. This is a controversial topic, we can argue for long time if we need or not education on our lives but I believe we do. We do in order to learn and after that, create our own views and opinions, we do in order to grow as a thinkable person which acts honestly and respecting his or her convictions and the rest´s.

6: Up to what extent is education a way of “thought control”?
I think, education at least nowadays, is both. Presents an open space that lets students think freely but about specific topics which are previously controlled and supervised by authorities. So, students are able to reason, to make up personal opinions and come up with beliefs and different arguments though limited by almost invisible boundaries. Teachers tell us what is right or wrong according to a punctual source, and so we adopt the same thought regardless we are also encouraged to express candidly. We know, we all tend to be biased but such great systems as the educational one, directs us “kindly” to think on a specific way. The way our superiors want to, not talking  just about school authorities but beyond.

7: Explain the meaning of the double-hammer symbol. Use the scene “In the flesh” to answer.
Hammers are a major symbol which is portrayed all along the movie.
The scene “In the flesh” portrays sort of a political theme where the main character adopts the role of a harsh and claimed dictator. The hammers take on a more militaristic aspect. As I see it, the hammer is a tool that constructs but also destructs, therefore, as the political symbol which represented the society was the “drawing” of two hammers, I can think about the fact how the authorities on one side “construct” the people they wanted to take part of their society, by shaping their thought and expressions and by the other side, they “destruct” the ones who didn’t fit to their plan by repressing them in any way.

8: The children falling into the meat grinder is a visual metaphor that makes a powerful point. What is the metaphor and what point does it make?
One of the most shocking scenes of the movie, is the one where children fall into the meat grinder. The whole disturbing picture can be analyse.
Firstly, the scene portrays how children march through a complex mechanism that creates them on faceless people who eventually lack of their right to be human.  After walking with deliberation the kids  finally fall to a meat grinder. I think the metaphor in the scene is how the educational system or the social sphere pressures the youth and so future generations to think as they planned, and so fit without any problem into a scheme which requires order and rule avoiding individualism, which is a “problem”. This system is represented by the meat grinder which makes people equal and dependent, without special features, just one more of the mass.

9: What is the wall? Can you say whether it is a good thing or not?

The wall in the movie is constructed by the experiences of the protagonist though we can adopt this metaphor for ourselves. We build a wall which is constructed by our life history and the moments we went through, sometimes to separate us from the rest of the world. However in the case of the protagonist of the movie, the wall it’s not a positive thing.  All his struggles are the bricks that constitute the wall, a wall full of unfairness and harsh situations.  The main character isolates himself in his mental and painful wall, each brick further closing him off from the rest of the world.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Notre visite à l'Alliance Française

Resultado de imagen para la alianza francesa buenos airesL’ Alliance Française
Le mardi 17 mai, nous avons visité L´Alliance française. Nous avons partis de l'école à huit heures vers le centre ville, et bien, le voyage a été très long et fatigant, nous étions désireux d'arriver.

Plus tard, nous trouvons un bâtiment élégant et très joli. Nous avons ensuite être divisés en deux groupes d'étudiants sur notre niveau de français (DELF A1 ou A2). Tandis qu'un groupe est allé à la médiathèque, l'autre a vu des vidéos différentes dans une salle, une classe de compréhension de l’orale. Nous avons participé et aussi nous avons parlé française mais timidement. Les deux groupes ont traversé ces expériences amusantes et agréables mais malheureusement ces activités ont duré peu de temps. La visite a été excellente et nous avons appris beaucoup!

sábado, 4 de junio de 2016


Links (español) (ingles) (ingles, que es el adn)



miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

CAE writing: Why is it difficult to know the truth about historical events?

Many people contend that knowing with accuracy the cultural past events of a society and the history of a whole community are paths that lead to the truth. While it is true that past issues and situations are a way of understanding the present, it is not that stories about past incidents cannot be changed or exaggerated. Therefore, knowing long time ago events portray several difficulties.

To begin with, one of the main complications towards finding and assuring that facts from the past are trustworthy is the lack of evidence. Nowadays people are satisfied with incomplete background information of facts or convinced with the first and the quickest answers to their inquiry. Looking for valuable responses and adequate descriptions can often be a hard task since it requires time and dedication to be able to picture a historical event.

Likewise, politics is a source of influence towards the masses. Politicians express their ideas and show their points of view after considering the history of the specific town, state or country. However these representatives may interpret past events so as to benefit themselves. Hence, their claims and position towards a past situation can result on deception, outright lies and one sided accounts. For instance, as manipulation can take place, knowing the real details of historical facts is an ardous duty.

As to conclude, I strongly believe that having a general idea about historical stories might be possible but having total knowledge may not unless lot of research from reliable sources is done with perseverance and on a full-scale.

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

United States coldest case murder conviction

Maria Ridulph Case
The kidnapping and murder of Maria Ridulph was the oldest cold open case to reach the courts in the history of the United States.
Starting point:
On December 3rd 1957, 7 year old, Maria Ridulph was abducted from Sycamore, Illinois. After dinner Maria was playing in the snow with her friend Kathy Sigman when a young man who called himself “Johnny” approached the girlies and offer them a piggyback ride. A few minutes later, Kathy went to her house to fetch her gloves because is was freezing outside but when she came back Johnny and Maria were nowhere to be seen.
Looking for Maria:   
Kathy went to the Ridulph’s house to tell everybody what had happened. Chuck, Maria’s older brother went outside to look for the girly but there was not any signal. Rapidly, the men ran to the house of Ralph and Eileen Tessier (two blocks from the Ridulph). Ralph had a hardware store and the idea was to carry on with the search asking the owner to collaborate with flashlights.
Police investigation:
The following days, the police questioned Eileen Tessier about the events of December 3. John stepsisters heard how his mother told the police something they knew it was not true: that John had been home all night.
In addition, there were conflicting reports about the exact time of the disappearance of Maria. The Sycamore police chief told FBI agents that Kathy and Maria had gone out to play at 18:02, but the county sheriff said Maria had not called Kathy until 18:30. Maria's mother later changed his statement and said the girls could have gone outside even at 17:50.
Kathy Sigman spent hours watching carefully the pictures of people on file by the police, but could not find Johnny.
The local police was sure no one in Sycamore could have done such a thing. It had to be an action done by a trucker or someone passing by. The FBI was not so sure. There were several potential suspects in the village. Police questioned all "known sexual deviants". They investigated a voyeur and followed clues that led up to two men nicknamed "Commando" and "Mr. X”.
Maria’s body is found:
Five months later Maria's body appeared, 190 kilometers from her home. A man found his skeleton under a fallen tree on a farm. The cause of death couldn’t be determined.
John Tessier/ Jack Mccullough
The FBI initially showed interest in Tessier as a suspect, a boy from the neighbourhood nicknamed “Commando”. Three days after Maria disappeared, an anonymous woman warned that a young man named "Teschner" who lived in the neighborhood matched with the description of the suspect. A pair of FBI agents showed up at the Tessier house.
Tessier told them then, and continues stating today, he was in Rockford, Illinois, about 65 kilometers northwest of Sycamore, when they kidnapped Maria. His parents supported his story, and was verified by an irrefutable fact: someone who gave his name made a call from Rockford to the Tessier’s house at 18:57, on 3 December 1957.
There was much discussion about the time of the disappearance of Maria. If the kidnap was done around 19:00, then Tessier had an armored alibi. But if they did around 18:15, then something not locked. John could have gone to Rockford Sycamore car and having arrived at 19:00 before disposing Maria’s body.
No one disputes that John traveled to Chicago for a physical test at the military recruiting center. Tessier said he was walking around Chicago the afternoon of December 3, stood in a cabaret show and then went to Rockford to leave the papers in the recruitment center. Recruiters confirm that they saw by the office between 19:15 and 19:30 that afternoon.
Two days after the FBI interrogated Tessier, he was subjected to the lie detector test. When asked if he had ever had sex with children, Tessier admitted having been involved in "some kind of sex play" with a girl but had occurred several years before. He stated that the episode was over and had no relationship with Maria.
Those details did not raise suspicions at the time. Nor the contradictory versions of his mother when she told the police that his son was home all night and the FBI that was in Rockford that night. Finally, an FBI agent concluded his report by emphasizing: "There will not be other research related to this suspect”
New Investigation:
In January 1994, Eileen Tessier was on the verge of death but she had a secret she didn't want to take to the grave. "Janet!" She called her daughter, according to the statement made to the court itself many years later. Janet ran to her mother's bed. Eileen grabbed her wrist and spoke.
“That girl who disappeared. It was John. You have to tell someone.” Although Janet was a baby when her neighbor of seven years disappeared in 1957, she knew immediately what her mother was confessing, her brother, John kidnapped and killed Maria Ridulph.
It was a decade later when Janet Tessier tried one last time after several denies to tell her testimony. She sent an email to the Police of Illinois: "A seven year old girl named Maria Ridulph disappeared. Her remains were found in early spring of 1958. I think John Tessier, of Sycamore, is responsible for her death. Today he lives around Seattle under the name of Jack McCullough. "
Her urge caught the attention of a boss. He called Janet and she told him how her mother had told her on the deathbed that his brother had kidnapped and killed Maria. "I can not promise anything," said the police chief, "but we will try."
He assigned the case to two men, Larry Kot and Brion Hanley. Kot, 57, was a civilian analyst and worked for the police in Illinois. “I had never heard of the case Ridulph”, but soon he gathered information that cast doubt on the suspect's alibi.
Brian Hanley, 41, made the preliminary work and began by Janet Tessier and her brothers. None had nothing good to say about John, especially Jeanne who was sexually abused at the age of 14 by John.
Crime Chronology:
Tessier said he was in Chicago on Tuesday morning December 3, getting a medical checkup. Kot found that it was true. But he realised that Tessier left the recruitment center at noon. He was later seen in Rockford, almost 150 kilometers from Chicago, about 19:15. But there was no witness to verify his whereabouts between noon and 19:15, which meant he could have easily gone back to Sycamore before appearing in Rockford. Kot examined the account of another witness, the dealer of heating oil. The man knew Kathy Sigman and her family and remembered that the girl had greeted him when he was delivering fuel into a nearby house. He arrived there at 18hrs and was 15 to 20 minutes unloading the oil. When he left, about 18:20, he did not see the girls.
Kot concluded that Maria had been kidnapped before 18:20. If Tessier parked his car in the back entrance, where they found the doll Maria, Rockford could have been addressed directly with the girl in her car. It was a journey of 64 kilometers, and could have come to Rockford in less than an hour.
The call made from Rockford to the house of Tessier, was a key part of John alibi also fit into this new timeline. Phone records showed that the call was made at 18:57 but did not point from which place of Rockford had been realized. Tessier could have called home from a pay phone outside the village.It may be that Tessier's alibi was not as infallible after all.

Hanley took six photos and placed them on the table. Five of them had been removed from Sycamore school yearbook. The photo of John Tessier was a little different. Kathy eliminated several pictures immediately but looked at two: No. 1 and No. 4. He studied for two long minutes. "He is," she finally said, noting the number 4. I had no doubt. Now the detectives had a real suspect. It was time to visit to "Johnny".
Seattle two policemen who had joined the case learned that the "person in question" worked in a block of apartments for elderly people. He called himself Jack McCullough because he had changed the name in the early 90's when he married his fourth wife, Sue, for nearly two decades.
He was a former policeman. The agents examined his file and discovered a lurid past. They learned that he had been dismissed from the police after being accused of abusing a child under 15 years who had run away from home. They also found out about the photo of her 11 year old daughter naked hidden in the bottom of a drawer. Police arrest McCullough on June 29, 2011. Jack McCullough returned to Sycamore handcuffed on July 27, 2011, the same day authorities exhumed the body of Maria Ridulph.
McCullough would face trial for rape before facing trial for the murder of Maria.
Judge Robbin Stuckert raised many doubts after people tell their testimonies which were related to John’s dirty and obscure attitudes. He wondered why the applicant had waited decades to publicize the crime. But the verbal war between Stuckert and Campbell led the judge to withdraw from the murder trial. The case was referred to Judge James C. Hallock.
During the trial, in September 2012, the statement Kathy Sigman on stage was decisive when retold how a stranger who called himself Johnny offered them a piggyback ride, and how Maria and Johnny disappeared when she went home to find her mittens.
Kathy stood firm when she was shown the six pictures of the suspects she had already seen in 2010. Janet Tessier testified about the statement of her mother on her deathbed.
Then three prison informers confirmed that in a conversation with McCullough, he had admitted that he had killed Maria. The trial lasted four days. No McCullough took the stand, so he could not present his alibi. The judge issued the verdict. Guilty on all counts: murder, kidnapping and abduction of a child. And Johnny went to prison.

Jack McCullough, 76, was serving a life sentence for the 1957 murder of 7-year-old Maria Ridulph. Judge William Brady threw out the conviction after a prosecutor found "clear and convincing evidence" that McCullough was wrongly found guilty.
McCullough's lawyers and DeKalb County state's attorney Richard Schmack argued that McCullough's conviction was based on false testimony, improper legal rulings controlling the evidence presented, and a timeline that was tweaked some 50 years after the fact to rule out McCullough's alibi.
McCullough has long insisted that he couldn't possibly have abducted and killed the child because he was 40 miles away in Rockford, Illinois, talking to recruiters and trying to enlist in the U.S. Air Force when she was taken. The prisoner was set free on 2016.