martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Pollution in the Seas


Pollution in the ocean is a major problem that is affecting not just the oceans or seas but the rest of the Earth too. This type of pollution seriously harms organisms and on an indirectly way human health and resources.
Oil spills, Toxic wastes, poisonous chemicals and dumping of other harmful materials are all terrible sources of pollution in oceans. In my opinion we should warm people and try to teach them more about this terrible reality as to know how to prevent this naked truth.
Toxic Wastes: are poisonous materials that are being dumped into the Oceans, and harm animals having a huge impact on them. These wastes reach this environment by leaking of landfills, dumps, mines and farms. Lead is a very powerful chemical that can cause serious problems in health like: the damage in brain, kidneys and on the reproductive system. Animal also consume this toxic chemicals and died minutes later.
Oil Pollution: Is the worst of all the toxic elements; the main cause of this is when big ships carry or leak oil in the ocean, reefs and other living species like  sharks, tunas, mackerels, jellyfish, sea turtles are affected.

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